Hire a Plumber to Winterize Your Pipes

Our plumbing company services Olympia, WA and surrounding areas

With the colder months quickly approaching in Olympia, WA you as a homeowner need to ensure that your home is prepped for the winter months. One of the most important things for you to have done to get ready for the winter is to have a plumber winterize your outside pipes.

A typical american house in winter. Snow covered.

Having your pipes winterized by an experienced plumber will help prevent your pipes from bursting or experiencing additional damage.

Our plumber will come out to your home to winterize your pipes for the season and return in the spring to de-winterize your pipes.


Inside Pipe Tips

Our plumbing company also recommends that homeowners take a few additional precautions on their own to avoid inside pipes from bursting. Our plumbers recommend that:

  • You keep garage doors closed if there is any water piping/ plumbing that runs through the garage
  • You crack the doors of cabinets underneath your inside sinks that are located on exterior walls
  • You keep a slow drip on indoor faucets if extremely low temperatures are expected
  • You keep your thermostat at the same temperature all day
  • Disconnect hoses from exterior hose bibbs
  • If exterior hose bibbs are the frost free style then insulating is not necessary
  • If exterior hose bibbs are not the frost free style they should be insulated to help prevent freezing

Call our plumbers today to learn more about your plumbing winterization options!